5 Secrets to Giving The Perfect Gift

February 10, 2009
Author: KLTBrown

With Valentine’s Day on the way, men everywhere should be thinking of creative ways to improve their relationships with their wives or girlfriends. But romance and creativity do not come naturally for all men.  It can be difficult for some men to show a woman how much they care, whether it be on a day-to-day basis, or for a special holiday like Valentine’s Day or an anniversary.

Fortunately, we’ve found five simple secrets and dating tips for men that will make the task of making your partner happy a lot easier.  Whether in a marriage or a dating relationship, for most women, the five following things are what romance is truly about.

1. Knowing You’re Thinking of Them. Women care about being loved, valued, and cared for.  To them that’s what romance means, and that’s why they want it.  Simply knowing that you’re thinking about us when they’re not around is a great way to make a woman happy. Send her a bouquet of flowers in the middle of the workday or tuck a note into her purse before she leaves for work. If she knows that you were thinking of her enough to make the effort, chances are it will make her day.

2. Knowing Your Sincere Thoughts. Women know that men try hard to do and say the right things. There is a list of “rules” that most men try to follow; things like always telling your partner she looks pretty when she asks, and always complimenting a new hairstyle. But when a woman hears what you really think of her without her soliciting it, she’ll know that you really mean what you say. And it’ll give her a peek into your heart. Give your wife or girlfriend a sincere or thoughtful compliment when she least expects it, or put her in a position to hear what you think about her from your friends or relatives. When she knows you’re not doing to keep the peace or suck up, it’ll mean that much more.

3. Making a Sacrifice for her. For most women, simply knowing that the man in her life has given something up or done something he doesn’t want to do to make her happy is proof of his love. When they know that you sacrificed something –your time, something you like, etc.– to please them, they know that you truly care. So wash the dishes after dinner even if you hate it, or go to that dreadful show she’s been dying to see. Her reaction will more than compensate for your sacrifice.

4. Showing that You Know Her Best. Every man isn’t necessarily gifted with all the words he needs to express his appreciation for his wife or girlfriend. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. By simply showing that you know her –buying a gift that’s perfectly suited to her or tracking down a poem that perfectly summarizes her character or finding a song with lyrics that relate to her — you’ll assure that she sees what you see. And she’ll know that truly  no one else could ever take your place.

5. Spending Effort and Time. Contrary to popular belief, romance is not about expensive gifts. It’s not about the most gorgeous long-stem roses or the biggest diamond earrings. It’s about time and effort. For most women, a gift that took hours of research or tons of effort will mean a lot more than one that took piles of money. Have plenty of money to spend? Then do both. But don’t be surprised if she gushes more about the scrapbook you put together with mementos from your relationship (from when you started internet dating all the way up to the present) than she does about the diamond necklace you bought her on the way home from work.

Think about it!



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