How to Mend a Broken Relationship

February 19, 2009
Author: KLTBrown

It is possible to mend a broken relationship or even save a marriage even when it seems hopeless! It happens every day. But you need to be sure you not past the no return mark. So its important to know where you are in the relationship and to determine what you can do to mend your relationship if it is possible. Here is some relationship help on how to mend that broken relationship or maybe even how to save a marriage.

Many times it does seem that everything is hopeless and you will never get back together with your ex. But if you caught the warning signs in time  hopefully you can fix the relationship before it gets much worse.

Right now you might be stressed out… emotionally drained… worried about facing life without your ex.  These are all are common fears and pressures faced by many others just like you.  But guess what? Many of them get back together again! Yes, that’s right. They actually mended their broken relationship and in many cases became that much stronger for it.

Now it never easy to repair any relationship. There is no magic poem, pill, or potion. It takes work and you are going to have to work at it. So that definitely means you will have to resist calling and pleading with your ex.  It hasn’t worked yet has it? Believe me it won’t.

So here is the plan.  You are going to create space for a while.  A short while. And no matter what your ex is doing you have to be busy too. Got it? You are busy doing something.

And then you need an effective blueprint to get back together with your ex. You need to be prepared to handle the next contact so your ex realizes that you are confident, independent,  and attractive. Most importantly you need to avoid exhibiting all needy behaviors.  Keep the attitude of “I don’t need him/her”. I can be happy being by myself.  Let the magnetism begin and before you know it your ex will be attracted to you once again.

Once you fixed your relationship… I want you to make yourself this promise… never let things get that bad again! Learn to recognize the early signs of trouble and head them off… Take the time to really reconnect with your partner. Keep the excitement going in the relationship. Be genuine, honest and understanding. And above all, recognize that men and women are truly different.



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