Relationships – Are They Made To Be Broken

June 12, 2009
Author: KLTBrown

Relationships are often like rules that are made to be broken.  They are not intended to be forever but are meant to last as long as there is mutual benefit in them.  Life is too short and too unpredictable to enter into a relationship that involves lifelong commitment. In business, no wise businessman would sign a contract that has no defined term and extends indefinitely.  Why then are we so inclined to enter a marriage relationship agreement that has no term limit?

I’m not knocking the marriage relationship, I think its great when two parties come together in marriage vows, but to agree to “til death do us part” is a bit much.  Especially when they have no control over the future events and the direction each life may take. Everything changes;  people change, directions change, lifestyles change, values change, even destinies change over the course of a lifetime and it would be naive to think that the relationship will not also change.

So what’s the most important thing in life? To arrive at your lifelong destiny and calling, to achieve a life of significance and purpose, to be fulfilled and happy, or to honor an open ended agreement or vow that you agreed to without knowing the  full consequences.  I think people need to really evaluate this and put aside the pressures of society and internal traditions and look at what the real priorites are in life.  If the current relationship prevents you from reaching your dreams then its time to think seriously about making a change.  Businesses re-negotiate contracts all the time and look for added benefit. Businesses dissolve and reform to escape existing contractual obligations and I think people deserve the same option. Life is just too short.



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