Welcome back to the fourth and final chapter of the 12 Power Principles To Enrich Your Relationship series. By now you should have had plenty of time to study and put into practice the previous nine principles. By now you should have seen the results and reaped the benefits of putting these principles into action […]

Welcome back to the third chapter of the 12 Power Principles To Enrich Your Relationship series. I hope you have studied part one and part two of this series and have begun to put these principles into action in your everyday relationships. If you have, I’m sure you’re beginning to see the benefits and the […]

Dating a Co-Worker – Making It Work At Work

November 11, 2009
Author: KLTBrown

Job or office romances can really work but it actually requires a lot of good common sense. Spending a lot of time around the same people every day naturally allows you the opportunity to get to know them better and become more comfortable around them. This can often lead to casual talking, joking, laughing—maybe even […]

When dealing with everyday workplace relationships and job situations involving bosses and co-workers it can be a challenge to handle the different personalities and communication styles you may encounter. There are a few relationship tips and smooth moves I’ve picked up over the years to help improve my workplace relationships at my different places of employment […]