Signs of a Healthy Marriage Quiz
Believe it or not, of the 2 million marriages to be performed this year, more than one-third of them will end in divorce or annulment. Even sadder still is the estimate that about 30 percent remain together – unhappily.
Indeed marrying the right person and maintaining a honeymoon romance is no easy matter. Even when glaring incompatibilities exist not even the wisdom of Solomon could persuade lovers lost in white heat to abandon their plans to tie the knot. So if you or someone you know is in love and about to take the plunge, here is a quiz that I found that may help to predict how things will work out. Whatever the outcome, you still may need some marriage tips and advice to ensure a healthy marriage.
To take the quiz answer True or false to each one of these questions.
1. We will have courted for less than six months before we marry.
2. We are both over the age of 21.
3. We have mutual friends of both sexes.
4. One of us does not desire children, so we won’t have kids.
5. There’s a big difference in our levels of education.
6. We are both religious.
7. Our parents and friends approve of our marriage.
8. We are both free of sexual hang-ups.
9. Our income is enough to live on without outside help.
10. We have broken off temporarily three or more times
11. We are close to each of our parents.
12. We both were popular among our peers when we were young.
13. There are fewer than one in twenty divorces in both our families.
14. We get along with our inlaws.
15. We showed obedience toward significant adults when we were young.
To tally your score give yourself 1 point for every response that matches yours.
1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True 7. True 8. True 9. True 10. False 11. True 12. True 13. True 14. True 15. True
If you scored between 12 and 15 points – You chances of a blissful marriage are good.
If you scored between 7 and 11 points – You have an average grasp on what it takes to make it work.
If you scored between 0 and 6 points – You may have to work hard in your relationship in order to keep it healthy.