Archive for the 'Relationship Advice' Category
7 Online Dating Tips
For those of you who are just getting started with the online dating arena and need some online dating tips, here are a few things every guy should know before he hits that upload button. 1. Have more than one picture. Two is enough, 8 is too many. At least one of them should show […]
5 Tips for Online Dating
Online dating is rapidly growing and is the networking tool of choice for many young people and old people too. Online opens up numerous possibilities for a relationship, especially when you are starting over from a recent breakup or even divorce. People find it extremely helpful when moving to a new city or location where […]
Dating a Co-Worker – Making It Work At Work
Job or office romances can really work but it actually requires a lot of good common sense. Spending a lot of time around the same people every day naturally allows you the opportunity to get to know them better and become more comfortable around them. This can often lead to casual talking, joking, laughing—maybe even […]
Tips To Enhance Your Relationship
The most important element to focus on in a relationship is the interaction between the partners during their normal conversations. Many times individuals don’t realize the amount of negativity that’s portrayed in the course of their normal day to day conversations. The number one tip to ensure healthy relationships IS the following: STOP ALL SHAME, […]
Why A Man Won’t Commitment In A Relationship
What many women fail to understand is that there usually isn’t only one reason why a man will not commit in a relationship. Although the list is exhaustive, there are 3 main areas that usually describe why a man is hesitant to make a commitment. Here are the three areas that would be worth while […]
Tips On Making Her Feel That Chemistry For You
You may be wondering just how to increase your connection with your female partner and what you can do to make her feel that special “chemistry” for you. If you serious about it we are here to offer you two dating tips that are guaranteed to help you create or even increase the “chemistry” in […]
Ready For A Serious Relationship?
So you’ve decided that you want to settle down and get serious about your relationship. You may be looking for someone who just may be around throughout your lifetime. Here are a few dating tips and things to keep in mind to make your journey a little easier. 1)Set realistic and achievable goals. Make your […]
Finding Friends to Build Relationships
Finding friends is, in many cases, no easy task; especially given the culture we live in. The cell phone, text messaging, Facebook and Twitter based friendships have defined a new level of relationships. Finding your friends isn’t as easy as it seems but, like all good things, is definitely worth the work! So, how do […]
Eliminating Conflict In Your Relationship
It’s been said that it’s not disagreement that causes unhappiness, but its disappointment and anger. If we learn to eliminate those feelings in ourselves, not only will we be happier, but we can virtually eliminate conflict in our relationships since our partners will find it difficult to stay in conflict with us when we are […]
Relationship Advice and The Rebound
There’s a familiar relationship pattern commonly observed among people in which they move quickly into a new relationship or even romance after the old one dies (or, sometimes, while it’s still limping along). This new relationship is often referred to as “on the rebound.” Sad and brokenhearted, such a person finds a kindly soul who’s […]