Archive for the 'Relationship Advice' Category
Commitment Without Conflict
Self-esteem is a topic you don’t hear much about these days. It is a major hindrance to commitments required for long term relationships. The truth is it takes guts and the willingness put yourself in a position to possibly fail. But as long as you have the willingness to learn, and to get up after […]
Relationships Are Like Pencils
After giving it some thought, I had an epiphany concerning modern day relationships. What I have discovered is that many modern day relationships are treated like they are common everyday pencils. I’m sure you’ve never thought about it this way but let me explain what I mean. For some people, a relationship is of little […]
What To Do In An Unhealthy Relationship
So you’ve searched the internet looking for information to determine if you are really in an unhealthy relationship and found out that you are. Now that you have admitted that you are in an unhealthy relationship, what do you do now? Well, there’s not a lot of information out there on the internet about that. […]
Your Best Bet For Getting Your Girlfriend Back
Are you frustrated with your attempts to try to get back together with your ex? Do well meaning conversations turn into battles where you are constantly trying to defend yourself?
The Complete Guide To Getting Back Your Ex
A break up is miserable, but a separation just might be what you need. Your time away is actually a step forward to strengthening your relationship. Don’t look at your break up as hopeless, instead, try to view it as a chance to rediscover yourself and fall back in love.
Can I Get Back With My Ex? Yes, You Can!
Relationships are fragile bonds that need to be built up and maintained in order to keep them healthy and allow them to flourish. Unfortunately, break ups do happen, and they are nerve wracking, stressful and frustrating. If you are involved in a relationship that breaks up, you may be thinking that you want to get back at your ex but is this really the best step to take.
Are You In A Healthy or Unhealthy Relationship?
Most of us are so desperate to be in a relationship that we often don’t wait to find out if we are in a healthy or unhealthy relationship. Television dramas, romantic comedies, and books have turned many of us into a generation of women longing for love and often finding it in all the wrong […]
You may believe that only really smart or super motivated people get things done. You might even think that being “productive” is really just a business term that was created by employers to measure how much stuff their employees were doing. But being productive is more than that. Being productive is the difference between sitting on the sidelines watching life pass you by and actually getting in on the action and making life happen! If you don’t do anything you can’t achieve anything. Can you? It’s not possible is it? But getting everything done all the time isn’t some myth that only parents, teachers and bosses believe exist – anyone can make it happen – even you. So without further ado, below are the 7 laws of productivity that serial executors consistently engage in.
Romantic Pick Up Lines To Use On Girls
I am sure you have all tried to use or even heard other guys try to use pick up lines for girls. Some of them are said with a sense of humour whilst others are just plainly embarrassing for the guy who says them or his friends if they are with him. Do pick up lines work and which ones work best? In this article I will look at a few lines that I have heard and give you reasons why you should consider what you are actually saying.
How To Text A Girl You Like
It’s not about being the most dominant guy. It’s about being the most creative guy and taking risks. Creativity comes before dominance because the creative guy can adapt to situations and make things fun and pull people into an emotionally driven world. The creative guy can create dominance by taking risks.My number 1 rule in text messaging a girl for the first time is to get her laughing. Usually I don’t like to even get someone on the phone it’s either meeting up with someone or text messaging.Do you ever wonder why women always watch drama filled TV shows on the LIFETIME network or even prime time TV? It’s because all women love drama whether they admit to it or not, in fact most women will say to your face that they despise drama despite the fact they are creating whirlwinds of it in their own lives, like moths to a flame they cannot help the irresistible urge to go to where the drama is.