Tips On Making Her Feel That Chemistry For You

October 26, 2009
Author: admin

You may be wondering just how to increase your connection with your female partner and what you can do to make her feel that special “chemistry” for you. If you serious about it we are here to offer you two dating tips that are guaranteed to help you create or even  increase the “chemistry” in your relationship.

The first tip is to listen carefully to her when she is speaking  in a conversation and be careful to use the same words and word phrases she uses to describe events and people in her past.  If she talks about her parents, use the same name she calls them “Mom, Dad, Mother, Father, etc.. ” when you refer to them. The same is true f noting the adjectives she uses to describe things.  Whatever she says, make sure you say the same thing and describe things the same way.

The second step  is similar to the first but involves noticing the body language her exhibits when you’re with her. If she has a casual posture then that should be your posture when you are with her.  If she’s more excited and energetic then you should be the same way. As she changes her body language you make sure yu keep up  an mirror her body language as best you can.  Just be sure that you are not too obvious

Remember chemistry “happens” between people  who, unbeknownst to even themselves, have a basis of similarity.



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