I have had my heart broken a few times and it was very hard and I definitely thought that it was the end of the world and I felt like I would never find a guy who compared to the one that I liked. I really fell hard in high school for a few guys and there were a couple of guys in college who broke my heart and I fell really hard for them as well.

Unfortunately, that is just the way that it goes, the people you end up really liking don’t always feel the same way about you. Each time that a relationship ended, however, I ended up getting into a much better relationship with a guy who blew the last one out of the water. There are so many great people out there for you, no matter how picky you are.

I am extremely picky when it comes to guys, and even I managed to always find a new guy who was way more attractive than the last one in every way. It was nice to learn about getting over a break up and to help myself to get over a break up quickly so that I could find that next great guy faster. I am currently in a serious relationship with a great guy and I never would have met him if I was still dwelling on past guys that weren’t nearly as attractive. I would have never known what I was missing out on.



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