Hot Relationship Tips for Increasing Your Romance

April 23, 2009
Author: KLTBrown

One things that has been proven to increase the romance in your relationship is the ability to talk in romantic codes. By this I mean speaking in codes that only you and your partner understand. This way you draw your partner in closer to you with this exclusive code that only the two of you  understands and it makes your partner feel privileged to be able to converse and respond to you. Here’s some relationship advice I’ll share with you from my personal experience and believe me it works!

I started with a very simple code years ago that I used over and over again with great success and over the years expanded on it as needed. I’ll share it with you since it is pretty old now and I don’t think my partner would mind. The first one was 1-4-3 which stood for “I Love You” based on the number of letters in each word. So when I would say 1-4-3 or use my fingers to show 1-4-3 I would immediately get a big smile or a loving response. I would write it on the bathroom mirror in the mornings with dry erase markers, send it in a text message or love letters, or say it softly at the end of a phone call. The favorite time to use it is when we’re out with friends or family and in the middle of the their conversation I would flash the numbers on my fingers so she could see them and I’d watch her smile and blush. It really set the mood for our private time later that evening. Soon we developed a coded response which was 1-4-3-2 which was an encrypted way of saying “I Love You Too” with the 2 being a symbol for the word “too”.

From there I realized that 1-4-3 could be used to mean other things like “I Miss You” or “I Want You” or “I Need You”. So we expanded the code for writing to be the following: 1-4-3 and a smile means I love you. 1-4-3 and a sad face means “I Miss You”, 1-4-3 exclamation point means “I Want You”. Of course, the response I always got was 1-4-3-2. Hope it works for you.

Check back for many other romance codes that work for me. I’ll post them if my wife says it’s OK. Besides, this is just between she and I. It’s personal!



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