If your current relationship is on shaky ground then don’t despair, take our advice.  There are steps you can take to first determine if the relationship is worth saving and if it is, then secondly find the steps necessary to save it.

The first step is to determine if there is a foundation on which to re-build your damaged relationship. If not, then implementing the subsequent steps could eventually prove fruitless. Figuring out how to save a relationship
can only accomplished when one determines the underlying reasons for the relationship problems. Two of the biggest reasons are 1)  spending less time together compared to when you first started dating and 2) Nit picking at each other’s faults.

Of course, falling out of love would be an obvious reason and it can be very difficult to get to the root cause but if someone has lost the love for their partner it’s a tough road to recovery. But don’t give up, it can be done.
How To Save A Relationship

1. First and foremost you both need to agree that the relationship is worth saving. Unless you both make a commitment to renew the interest then it’s a pointless trying to resurrect it.

2. If you both decide to make a full commitment to each other and the relationship then and only then would you both air your differences and isolate the problems which had developed.  Remember, don’t air it out until a commitment has been made. That’s a critical mistake that’s often made.

3. When pinpointing issues look further than just the symptoms. Symptoms can range from arguing,  intentional or unintentional verbal or physical abuse, or even infidelity. Instead of focusing on the symptom look at why the problem is occurring. It could be a lack of intimacy has developed, work stress has forced you to “take your eye off the ball”, or you’re simply not spending enough time together.

4. This is an important step. Once the issue or issues have been identified some quality discussion needs to take place.  Don’t hold back because this is the time when a lot of suppressed feelings can be released and gotten rid of.  One suggestion is to look each other in the eye and hold hands when sharing your thoughts. (If your partner is prone to violence you might want to hold their hands very tightly, just kidding) Make sure you listen to each others concerns.

5. Next you both need to come up with a plan and put the plan into practice. Depending on your situation you could implement a date night once or twice a week, plan a bed and breakfast getaway together once a month, or spend a set amount of time each night discussing things or spending time talking just before you go to bed. These are only suggestions but you should come up with a plan tailored to fit your own needs.

6. Lastly, make sure you stick to your plan as there will be times when it is tested. Learn to control your emotions and avoid laying blame on each other. Most of all,  learn to apologize and let your partner know how you feel about them, reaffirming your commitment to them and the relationship.



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