Are You Free To Fall In Love?

September 8, 2009
Author: KLTBrown

Believe it or not, trust is a condition for survival in our everyday society. Even in such simple acts as eating a candy bar or boarding a bus we have to trust that the candy hasn’t been tampered with, or that the bus’s brakes have been checked. The bottom line is that enjoying the benefits of societal living requires that we build a believing dependence upon one another. Yet, in our sometimes impersonal world, being trusted may well represent a greater compliment than being loved.

Interpersonal trust is a general personality trait that applied to one’s ability to fall in love.  Extensive investigations have found that women are more willing to trust others than men. They have also concluded that if you approach a relationship with a high level of distrust, it will probably be harder for you to trust unconditionally and fall in love.  Of course, the amount you confide in and depend on 0ther people can vary over time. The good news is, a reluctance to trust at one point in your life may be in response to a variety of factors and does not mean you’ll be that way forever.  You can change.

If you are a guarded and suspicious person you probably analyze others’ motives too much. Your desire to protect yourself at all costs will prevent you from having meaningful relationships with honest people who deserve your trust.  In contrast,  if you are a trusting person who accepts others as you see them, you will probably fall in love easily. But  you may have a tendency to be so accepting of others that you are gullible and naive.  The goal is to have a proper balance between trust and caution. You must remain open to new relationships but always maintain a fair amount of objectivity when it comes to trusting others and falling in love.

However, interpersonal trust involves risk. When beginning a friendship or a romantic relationship, people often wonder if the possible gain will outweigh the chance of  betrayal or rejection.  It’s impossible to know what the future will hold but it’s almost certain that without taking some risk, nothing will be accomplished, especially when it comes to relationships. So find the necessary balance in your life between trust and caution and you’ll be free to fall in love.



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