Breakup Woes And How To Deal With Your Emotions

November 4, 2012
Author: admin

Are your emotions taking over your life after your breakup? Does the rejection and pain from losing the person that you loved and trusted the most occupy your mind as you try to figure out what went wrong and how you can fix things? Your mood swings back and forth like a swing as you decide one minute that you love your ex and want them back and then the next minute you decide that you’re better off without them and then the next you want them back again? How can you ease the pain and get back to living life again? How can you keep these thoughts and emotions from keeping you from working and enjoying life like you used to?

Your goal might be to get your ex back or you might just want these feelings to stop. The only thing that you know for sure is that the emotional state that you’re living in is causing problems in your life. Trying to force yourself to focus on your work life or something else to keep your mind off of your ex doesn’t work. These emotions are simply too strong and your days drag on as you pray for an end to this emotional torture. Simply riding the storm out isn’t going to work and you need some help or advice that will help you to deal with your emotions when you become overwhelmed with them.

You are losing precious days out of your life and you know that none of this is very healthy for you. While therapy is great if you are having a very difficult time, you often can’t stop what you’re doing to make an emergency trip to see your counselor. Talking to a friend about it is almost out of the question because they’ve either grown tired of hearing about it or they will just tell you to try to forget about it. You need a method that will work every time and help you get back on track so you can deal with it all at the end of the day, if need be.

This little trick has worked for me when I found myself overwhelmed by negative emotions. All it takes is a few minutues in a secluded spot like the bathroom at work, in your car or in your bedroom if you are at home. Once you are alone, close your eyes and understand what you’re feeling. Give that emotion a name whether it be fear, anxiety, anger, jealousy or just pain. Understand that this emotion is there to help you. All of these bad emotions are fearful feelings but you can tell youself that there’s nothing to fear. Things might look really bad at the moment but things do change and they will change. With every day comes change and in the future things will be different. You have the ability to create change in your life but it’s going to take some time.

If instance, let’s say that you just found out that your ex is seeing someone. You didn’t want to know this tidbit of information but it was plopped in your lap and you’re upset about it. You go into the bathroom at work and you tell yourself that what you are feeling is real. It is affecting your body. This emotion is based upon the fear that you will never be able to get back together with your ex. You can tell yourself that this is only a temporary situation and nothing is written in stone. You still love your ex and you want to get back together with your ex but this complicates things a little bit. The scenarios that you are playing out in your head are not helping you to get your ex back. They are only hurting you and hindering you from that goal.

This method can be used almost at a moment’s notice so if you feel those harmful emotions rising to the surface and you’re afraid that you’re going to do something that you might regret, simply take five minutes and deal with that emotion before you live to regret it. If getting your ex back is important to you then keeping yourself from doing anything that might put that dream in jeopardy should be at the top of your list of helpful skills.

Go to and see how you can take control of your emotions. Learn more about how to get your ex back.



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