How To Make That Magical Connection And Get Him To Commit

February 2, 2015
Author: Abraham Yu

You’ve been seeing each other for a while and it seems that, with each moment spent, the two of you are getting closer on all levels. You’re pretty certain that he might be “the one” but, yet, every time the subject of making things permanent comes up he seems to hesitate or even pull back. So you find yourself asking: How can I get him to commit to me? I thought I had met my soul mate.

Can I Get Back With My Ex? Yes, You Can!

July 9, 2014
Author: admin

Relationships are fragile bonds that need to be built up and maintained in order to keep them healthy and allow them to flourish. Unfortunately, break ups do happen, and they are nerve wracking, stressful and frustrating. If you are involved in a relationship that breaks up, you may be thinking that you want to get back at your ex but is this really the best step to take.

How To Attract Women Through Other Women

November 29, 2012
Author: admin

How to date women is one of the personal dealings all straight men will have to go through, and you can do this well by learning more about the opposite sex. Understanding their differences and mentality so that you can understand their reactions for every attempt you make to get close is critical. Get more personalized information regarding the specific woman that you’ve been eyeing and act according to the acceptable etiquettes at her level. If she is the conservative type, do it formally. Remember that dating is a part of life, so do what’s right and enjoy yourself.

Will Being Pretty Get You A Boyfriend?

November 14, 2012
Author: admin

Can being pretty or prettier than some other girl give you an edge when it comes to getting a boyfriend? Does the way that you look actually help you when you’ve found some special guy that you are interested in? Should you even focus on your looks or will you only be attracting the wrong type of attention from a guy? Even though everybody is attracted to someone because of how they look initially, is it even worth your time to try to look your best or to try looking pretty to get a guy’s attention?

Breakup Woes And How To Deal With Your Emotions

November 4, 2012
Author: admin

Are your emotions taking over your life after your breakup? Does the rejection and pain from losing the person that you loved and trusted the most occupy your mind as you try to figure out what went wrong and how you can fix things? Your mood swings back and forth like a swing as you decide one minute that you love your ex and want them back and then the next minute you decide that you’re better off without them and then the next you want them back again? How can you ease the pain and get back to living life again? How can you keep these thoughts and emotions from keeping you from working and enjoying life like you used to?

Do you wonder what your ex girlfriend is thinking and why she has turned so sour towards you? What do you need to do to make her at least think about getting back together? Why won’t she even seriously consider it? You have tried all the normal things like talking with her, agreeing with her and promising to change but still she acts like she doesn’t care about you at all. What happened to her and what can you do to get back in her good graces again? Why won’t she even think about it?

How To Make Your Boyfriend Want To Marry You

September 11, 2012
Author: admin

Are you searching for a tactful way to make your boyfriend commit to you? Have you tried to do everything right while hoping that he’ll see that you’re the one for him? He says that he loves you but when talk of moving your relationship forward comes up he smiles and avoids the conversation. It all ends the same way, with you feeling frustrated and confused over why he doesn’t seem to want to commit to you and you alone.

Are you tired of hearing about the no contact rule? Are you looking for a loophole or a reason why you shouldn’t abide by this rule after your breakup? While the no contact rule has so many variations, you know that the bottom line is that you’re not supposed to contact your ex after the breakup. While this is simple to understand in theory, it’s almost impossible for you to follow in your life right now. Every day is like torture without your ex in it and all you want is to hear their voice.

So you and this guy have been dating for quite some time, but he seems not very inclined to be exclusive. You likely chanced upon this post because you want to know how to get a guy to commit. Some women believe that giving the guy an ultimatum, such as by telling him that she would leave the relationship if he can’t commit, won’t make him commit. If anything, it is usually the opposite.