How To Break Up With Someone Gracefully

August 19, 2009
Author: KLTBrown

This question is a common one in today’s modern world — how to break up with someone gracefully. The truth is there is little you can do to ensure a completely graceful exit. The break-up is made even more difficult when the person whom you are leaving happens to still be (or is convinced that he/she still is) in love with you.

But whilst break-ups might prove to emotionally charged affairs, it is possible to make an exit as graceful as possible by adopting the following break-up advice.

Do it personally. Breaking up over the phone or email is not only cheap, it also really isn’t fair. After sharing a relationship of some length, you owe it to the individual to break up in person.

How you break up is just as important as where you break up. Avoid breaking up in loud places like – say a supermarket. Most people become distraught and highly emotional during break-ups. It is not uncommon for crying or arguments to ensure during the process. You wouldn’t want to do this in a crowded restaurant.

In the quest of how to break up with someone graceful, there is the argument that breaking up in a public place saves you the need for a dramatic separation. But as inconvenient as the crying and arguments might be to you, it is preferable that it takes place.

Stifling emotions is generally not perceived as a healthy emotion and being able to freely express them will prove a long way towards reconciling future possible relations between you and your ex.

Be honest and frank. When you are explaining the reasons behind your need for a break-up don’t announce —“I need a breakup, just because!” Being able to explain the reasons why you want a breakup will not only strengthen your decision but provide closure and understanding for your partner. Remember that breakups involve both parties. If your ex understands why the breakup is happening she will be better equipped for the process of getting over a breakup.

Above all, be calm. Break-ups are painful events. Your partner will understandably be upset. By remaining calm and offering support when necessary you will ensure that the process is done as smoothly and peacefully as possible. And that is how to break up with someone gracefully.



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