How To Kiss A Boy – Top Ten Tips

June 21, 2012
Author: admin

The first time you kiss a boy can be both very exciting and very nerve racking at the same time. If you have already had some at home practice on your pillow, or in your bathroom mirror that’s great. But the actual first real kiss with your lips and his lips touching is much more pleasureable! It will leave you with a feeling and a memory that you won’t forget for days!

It’s very common to be nervous for your first kiss, so this article is written to give you some tips to help you do it with confidence. The following 10 First Kiss Tips will help to make sure that your first kiss is amazing for both you and the boy you are with! So let’s get started ok!?

1. Do Not Wait Forever

If you wait forever to make your first move on the boy you want to kiss it could have an undesired side effect. You might end up tricking the guy into thinking that you aren’t actually interested in kissing him. All he knows is that you haven’t kissed him in forever! This might cause him to go to another girl for that kiss. So just go for it when you know you want to!

Over thinking your first kiss can cause fear and doubt, which will just compound your issue. The more worried you become, the bigger the deal. Don’t get caught in this catch 22 situation.

2. You’ll Know When It’s The Perfect Time To Kiss Him

The perfect moment to kiss will come and you should be ready! You might high five each other and then just stare at each other, or maybe you have a talk that ends in a really positive note with each other, like you both like each other. When your instincts tell you that you want to lean in for a kiss, then do it! He won’t back down either. If you make a bigger deal out of it than it really is, the next time will be harder and harder.

3. Don’t Be A Try Hard

Sticking your tongue down his throat or going to hard to try and look like a pro is not a good thing. A very simple kiss that is soft and sweet, with just your lips is a great start! One kiss will lead to another if you do it right, so don’t over do it and you’ll be very happy with your results. So will he.

4. Do Not Act Out A Movie Scene

Don’t take your kissing lessons from people on TV or in the movies. They are paid actors who take multiple tries to get their kiss to look so good and real. But it’s not as good and real as an actual kiss with a person you actually like. Girls typically don’t do the things in real life that they do in movies so neither should you. Just be natural when you kiss.

5. Include Hands In Your Kiss

Put your hands on his face, shoulder, or back while kissing. This will make him feel like you are participating in the kiss, instead of just standing there with your hands to your side. It will also feel more natural to you, and it will give you balance when you get that woozy feeling of dizziness that often comes with a first kiss.

6. Open Your Mouth If The Kiss Is Going The Distance

Kissing for the first time is much easier with a closed mouth. But if the kiss is going to last for a long time, you’ll want to open your mouth a little bit or it might start to feel weird, like you are kissing cousins or something. Just open your mouth a tiny bit to allow your lips to overlap a bit and add a little extra spice to the kiss.

7. Make a Little Moan

Don’t over do this, but if you are really enjoying the kiss then let yourself moan a little bit. When people really enjoy foods or drinks they can say “MMM” and that’s quite similar. If you like the kiss just say MMM or moan a little to let him know. He will hear you and it will let him know you are both doing a great job!

8. Don’t Over Think It

Longer kisses might cause you to start wondering what to do next. Don’t do that. Just enjoy the fact that you are really doing it, and that it’s lasting so long. Try to remember that if you have been kissing for this long, it’s probably because you both like what’s happening and there’s no need to think about anything. Just be natural and enjoy it!

9. Don’t Give Away The Farm. Kiss Only

Often you can get caught up in the moment during the first kiss and let the guy start to feel you up or get too heavy. This is not a good idea. You will want to remember your first kiss without a whole bunch of touchy-feely occurring during and afterwards. Just having a kiss will make it more special and memorable for you and for the person you kissed.

10. Have A Great Time

One thing everyone always remembers is their first kiss. So remember that one day you’ll be telling the story to someone else, and you want to make it a good one. Have a nice kiss that you both enjoy where nothing gets weird or awkward and you’ll always have a pleasurable memory to share with others!

Learn more about how to kiss a boy. Stop by our site where you can find out all about Your First Kiss and what it can do for you.



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