Making Work Related Relationships Work

March 2, 2009
Author: KLTBrown

I found this interesting statistic that “87 percent of all people fail not because of capability but because of personality. ” People usually don’t fail because they can’t do the job, but because they can’t get along with other people. So the bottom line is that many people fail in their careers because of relationship problems.

If you work with people, you must have or seek to develop the ability to interact positively with them. Can you talk to people easily? Do you listen to them? Do you have a sense of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself without being sensitive or defensive? Do you enjoy people and enjoy working with them? Are you warm and approachable?

In order to be successful in a group or even to lead a group you must have certain relational essentials. First, you must respect your co-workers. They will not only absorb your respect but also reflect it back to you. You also must provide open and honest 2-way conversation on all issues.  Open communication establishes an atmosphere of trust which is essential if the group of people is to function as a team.

Some people have a great deal of insecurity and are, therefore, fearful of trusting those with whom they work. This person looks at others with a suspicious mind,  dwelling on all possible underlying motives.  Is the other person out to take my position? Determine if your fears are real or not. If they are not, dispel hem and begin to trust people.

People can hurt themselves in one of two ways. They can be non-trusting and keep everyone at a distance, never sharing or being open with them. Though your feelings may not be hurt because you won’t allow anyone to get close to you, you will be hurt in other ways because no one will ever extend themselves to help you. Yours will be a lonely trip with no one to share the joys of your success.  It’s often said that ” it’s not what you know but it’s who you know.” But I say it’s who you know that will tell you what you need to know.” That’s why relationships are so important.

On the other hand,  people can choose to be open and transparent and chance the possibility of being hurt by someone that takes advantage of their trust.  This is a risk worth taking. I would hate to think of the rich, deep and rewarding friendships that would never have developed had I not taken the risk to trust people.  Remember, people who prefer to “play it safe” will never know the thrill of victory. To win a victory, and succeed, one must risk failure.



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