Obama’s Gay Marriage Views Evoke Apprehension

May 15, 2012
Author: KLTBrown

For the first time in history an American president has openly declared his stance in supported of gay marriage.  That President is President Barack Obama.

For some progressives this is celebrated as a victory against discrimination against gay Americans. Others see it as a public assault against the sacred institution of marriage. The truth is that same-sex marriage as controversial as it is, involves the complex issue of state v.s federal rights and the religious heritage of this country.  There is no simple solution to this complex problem, and Obama’s support for gay marriage is not something to get excited about yet, since no political action has taken place yet.


What’s more interesting is the fact the previously president Obama opposed same-sex marriage. These mixed signals raise questions as to the validity of Obama’s new claim. It is just a political maneuver in a time when votes are desired from the gay community? How much trust citizens can put into Obama’s new claim. In fact, everyone is having reservations about this new stance, no matter how good or bad the news is.

Although Obama’s actions might be considered a step in the right direction by some, the timing seems like a ploy to advance of his political strategy.  Unfortunately, recent polls indicate that 25 percent of voters said they would not vote for Obama in the upcoming election because of his support of gay marriage. Many of these voters are from the religious community.

Even if his intentions are genuine, he has offered no plan of action.  Looking at his previous records for getting things passed through congress it is likely that this will go nowhere any time soon.  Until Obama pushes for new legislation, there really is nothing to either celebrate or fight against. Many supporters of same-sex marriage think this is the end to the battle for equal rights, when in fact this is just the beginning.  Since gay rights is not a major focus for his campaign, there is just a slight hope that anything will actually change.



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