Spring Cleaning for Your Relationship

April 15, 2009
Author: KLTBrown

Maintaining a strong and healthy relationship isn’t always easy. Over time we sometimes forget that our sweetheart needs to be treated with all of the same respect and courtesy  as they did at the beginning of your relationship. If this is the case, it’s time for some spring cleaning of your relationship.

With our busy schedules we must to remember to take the time, every once in a while, to air out any reoccurring issues and to give praise where praise is due.  Remembering to do this will  keep you and your partner happy and will pay off in the long run.

There are four phases discussed in an interesting article found on articlesnatch.com that are key to putting your relationship in order just  like you would at spring cleaning time around the house.

Phase one involves spending quality time. Utilizing slices of time to devote to your partner. Phase two involves maintaining contact. Keeping the doors of communication open. Phase three involves dealing with issues. Identifying issues and more importantly finding resolution. Lastly, phase four involves developing harmony. Keeping your relationship happy, relaxing, not stressful, and always working to remain in agreement.

Just as in most of other aspects of life, leaving things unattended for too long may allow them to get dusty, stale or even ruined. Take the time dust off your relationship,  do a little spring cleaning and enjoy a happier rest of the year together.



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