Marriage Advice for Long-lasting Relationships

May 18, 2019
Author: Looking4Love

Relationships are an inevitable part of life. There is a reason why humans are named social animals. When we are born, we inherit some relationships by default, which include the relationship with parents, siblings and immediate family. However, our social nature does not allow us to stay confined to these relationships only. Our yearning for […]

How to Break Up Without Hurting the Other Person

April 29, 2019
Author: Looking4Love

When a relationship is beginning, everything is exciting. You cannot wait to see your girlfriend or boyfriend in the evening, during the weekends and over the holidays and it feels amazing to know that he or she feels the same way. The excitement and happiness of a relationship can overpower everything else, in fact, you […]

Importance of Marriage Counseling

April 29, 2019
Author: Looking4Love

After the wedding, couples learn very first that marriage is not a bed of roses it requires hard work and commitment. After the blissful honeymoon period, couples often realize that they are not as compatible as they thought, or they encounter some differences that they never thought would be an issue. Or they are unable […]

How to Deal With Boyfriend Problems.

March 20, 2019
Author: Looking4Love

Are you experiencing some issues with your boyfriend? Boyfriend problems can be brought by the way the two of you are getting along or even trust issues. Some factors could be the cause of problems in a relationship. There are some steps you can take to help you figure out what could be the cause […]

Benefits of Pre marriage Tests.

March 12, 2019
Author: Looking4Love

Marriage is considered as a very important event in the individuals’ lives, as they put efforts on starting a family. It is through this that individuals come to a stage where they focus on building the emotional, familial, social and healthy relationships. It is important for every couple to undergo pre-marriage tests before their marriage […]

Unavoidable relationship issues

February 25, 2019
Author: Looking4Love

Unavoidable relationship issues Everyone who’s been in a relationship will tell you it has its perks that are unavoidable. Relationship issues do exist. This is not to scare you but just make you aware of them and how to deal with it all. You will be able to make decisions that will not bring regret. […]

Essential dating advice for women

February 11, 2019
Author: Looking4Love

The assumption is that you have finally decided to go for it, set aside all fears that you had in mind about it and you need some wise words on how to survive on the dating life. Dating advice for women is not only for those deciding whether to start dating but also for those […]

Essential Dating Tips for Women

January 14, 2019
Author: Looking4Love

The assumption is that you’ve decided to hang-out there and find yourself someone, and that, you would want everything to be perfect and nothing goes wrong hence the reason why you’re researching on these dating tips for women. You don’t have to worry, this article has got your back and you won’t mess up. Deciding […]

Healthy Relationship Tips

January 7, 2019
Author: Looking4Love

Valentines coming soon! We’ve figured out that, it’s necessary to offer relationship tips to those who may want to start dating or strengthen their relationships. Are you looking for love? This might act as a guide to a ‘little heaven’. Despite the fact that we refer to them as little heavens it might not be […]

Impress Your Date with These Dating Tips for Men

December 19, 2018
Author: Looking4Love

Are you preparing for a date? Look forward to an unforgettable night of romantic perfection with these handy dating tips for men. Prepare with the purpose of wowing your lady friend by carefully planning a night that brings forth the best version of yourself. Plan your date and plan it well. These dating tips for […]