The Truth About Unequal Relationships

March 24, 2010
Author: KLTBrown

Are you one of the many who wonder if they’re in an unequal relationship? Do you even know what an unequal relationship is?  Well this information may help to first explain what an unequal relationship is and secondly, how to determine if you’re in one.

The idea of a “equal” relationship is often puzzling and frustrating to many men. Men think of equals as individuals or entities that they compete against. In this regard, a woman is justified in wanting to be treated as an equal in the workforce. But in a relationship, the last thing a man wants to do is  to complete with a woman (after all, they have their career, sports and guy friends for that).

These facts leave us with this assessment – what men don’t get from all their pursuits and accomplishments is someone that can awaken their feelings.  They don’t want an equal.  They want someone who is a complement. A complementary relationship is defined as having two separate and different partners that enhance or complete each other.  Note the key term “enhance” and the word “complete” not “compete”.

Women frequently ask, “Should I pay for dinner since he pays so often?” What they are implying is that it doesn’t seem fair for him to pay all the time. Yet, men don’t care about what is fair as much as you think. What the man paying for dinner is really concerned about is this: Will this make her happy? Does she seem to be having a good time? Will I score points with her on this one?

The thought of “when’s she gonna pay?” doesn’t even enter his mind. He’s not concerned with fair. He only wants to impress her. If he does impress her then he’ll say to himself, “Yep, I’m the man. She’s having a great time because I am a stud.” Yes, guys really do think like that.

In fact, in a perfect relationship, a woman should feel somewhat indebted to a man. Yes, that means that he should be giving more than she does.  If you’re uncomfortable with that arraignment, then you can opt for the equal relationship. The only problem is that it’s terribly boring. It is sort of like going to a high school dance with your cousin – safe but not very appealing. A passionate relationship means you allow him to be a man and he in turn cherishes you as the woman. It’s not subservient. In fact, it’s quite empowering for a woman.




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