Archive for the 'Relationship Advice' Category

As problems come up in a relationship, it is not at all uncommon for people to see the issues and try to steer clear of them or avoid them entirely. This doesn’t make the problem go away, since it is never addressed. This is a terrible way of dealing with problems since they just compound […]

Gratitude – The Lost Art in Relationships

March 8, 2016
Author: KLTBrown

Gratitude is a missing ingredient in our relationships today. Many failed relationship are caused by people who simply do not know how to express gratitude and say thank you. The responsibility to express genuine gratitude is often overlooked or downplayed as something unimportant. But many opportunities are missed and blessings forfeited by people who do […]

Relationship extremes are common in many relationships today. So what do you do when your relationship goes from one extreme to the other? One day you are living in the penthouse. Everything is going great and everyone is happy.  Then all of a sudden, before you know it, you are in the . Everything goes wrong […]

10 Surprising Reasons a Man Loses Interest in His Wife

February 2, 2016
Author: KLTBrown

Many times you see couples breaking up after many years of marriage and you wonder why. What happened? What would cause a man to walk away from his marriage? Or better yet, what are the reasons a man loses interest in his wife after all those years?  It’s easy to assume right away that there […]

Have you ever seen a man wish, want and need you so intensely that he wasn’t able to make himself interested in anyone else but you? Have you ever seen him ache with so much love that just thinking about you brings a smile to his face & makes him go weak in the knees? […]

What Constitutes Healthy Relationships

January 20, 2016
Author: KLTBrown

Healthy relationships take time and effort. Nothing takes the place of the hard work and constant effort needed to maintain good healthy relationships. Healthy relationships are an ongoing process. You cannot compare them to a one-time investment that guarantees lifelong returns. Unfortunately, this is where most couples go wrong. A partner who believes that merely putting […]

I had a very interesting discussion with a co-worker about a newly formed relationship she was having with a new boyfriend and some relationship issues she was dealing with. Here’s the situation she described to me. Does this sound familiar to any of you? After a few weeks of successful dating and a receiving good […]

Relationship Advice for the Overworked and Underpaid

September 28, 2015
Author: KLTBrown

Have you ever thought seriously about the amount of effort you are putting into making your relationship work? Do you find yourself working extra hard to keep things going while you observe your partner coasting through it? If so, you may be or you may soon find yourself overworked and underpaid in your relationship. This […]

Are You His Friend Or His Lover?

August 21, 2015
Author: KLTBrown

You meet a really great man and you feel an instant bond between the two of you. As each day passes, you can just feel the attraction between you and you know that this relationship is definitely different.

3 simple ways to turn an unhealthy relationship into a healthy relationship, even after cheating, break up, or other major relationship issues. These tips help couples who want to stay together or get back together, but can’t seem to fix the broken relationship. Stop reliving the same problems. Learn to fight less and love more, before it’s too late.