I have been struggling with relationships for a long time and I like to have some good advice to help me deal with the ups and downs and to figure out if the person who I am with is really the right one for me. No relationship is exactly what you want it to be and getting some good advice has helped me to understand the things that I should expect and not be lost in the illusion of finding someone who will never make me unhappy.

I love to get some good advice on my relationships so that I can have a clear perspective and know when the things I am worried about are small problems and when they are something that I should really consider before going further into the relationship. Whether it is advice from my parents, friends, or online, I always get a new perspective.

When I was in college I wanted a relationship but things never worked out. I started dating a lot after college and had a lot of short relationships. I thought someone was my dream guy but realized quickly that it was just an illusion and that he in fact wasn’t right at all. I have been dating the same guy lately and this relationship has lasted the past few years. With some good relationship advice, I am learning how to see if he is truly the one I should marry.



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