3 Reasons Relationships Fail

January 30, 2011
Author: KLTBrown

Your relationship will have a much better chance of succeeding if you can find a way to avoid all three of these reasons most relationships fail. It’s like the potholes in the road, many people see them but few people find a way to avoid them before they run into them. Here are a few relationship tips on what to avoid if you want to have a healthy relationship.  For example, once you understand your tendency to tolerate bad behavior (#1), you will be able to change your behavior which will then enable you to attract a wonderful partner.  Here are the 3 main reasons that cause most breakups. See if you can relate to any of these:

1) Tolerating Bad Behavior.

This occurs when one partner ignores the bad behavior of the other simply to maintain the relationship. Women who tolerate a man who cheats or is abusive fall into this category. When pressed to explain why they don’t end the relationship they often reply, “Well, I know he does those bad things, but that’s not who he really is. If you got to know him like I do you’d see just how wonderful he can be.” Given enough time, and without training a man to value you, these type of relationships usually end very tragically.

2) Having Unrealistic Expectations

This one effects men just as much as women. It isn’t that they want too much in a partner…attractive, kind, fun to be with, etc…  The problem is that the person (or both partners) expects the other to be like this ALL the time. When things become normal (often referred to as boring) they mistakenly assume that the relationship is broken, when in fact it was merely the normal progress of a healthy and loving relationship.

3) Taking Each Other for Granted

Early in a relationship everything is easy. It doesn’t require any effort to go out of you way to be kind to your partner when both people are infatuated. Over time the relationship becomes comfortable and predictable.
Everything goes fine until a crisis occurs and there is no emotional intimacy  to draw upon. Each partner wants the other to be supportive and both are emotionally bankrupt.

So be wise and careful that you don’t fall into any of these traps.  Take your time, read the signs and watch the road ahead. There might just be one or more of these potholes ahead.  Hope it helps,



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