I kind of had a reputation for being “too nice” growing up. People told me I was “the nice cheerleader” in high school and that was a nice compliment in my opinion, but my niceness would get to the point sometimes that I would let people walk all over me. Some of my good friends […]
Being the best person that you can be is very helpful and advantageous in a lot of ways. What I mean by this is being fit and taking great care of your health and your body, taking care of your appearance in general, and being a hard worker at your job and in life in […]
Marriage is tough and it takes a lot of commitment and a lot of sacrifice. There will be tough times and times when you wonder if you have really made the right decision. I am not married, but I hope to be sometime very soon. My boyfriend and I have been talking about getting engaged […]
I have had my heart broken a few times and it was very hard and I definitely thought that it was the end of the world and I felt like I would never find a guy who compared to the one that I liked. I really fell hard in high school for a few guys […]
My brother never dated much in high school or college, in fact he didn’t really date at all. I was kind of the sister who was popular with the guys and my brother was more the type who was really focused on school and didn’t really care too much about his appearance or what the […]
A Healthy Relationship Means You’re A Team
I have learned a lot about healthy relationships from people who really know what they are talking about. I know many couples that have had fulfilling and happy marriages and who have been married for a really long time. It is nice to get some advice and wisdom from people who are experienced and know […]
My Brother Did A Great Job Exploring Marriage Compatibility
My brother got married last year, and him and his wife did a lot of preparation for marriage. They took some classes that were all about getting ready for marriage and getting to know each other really well and a married couple led the classes. I look up to my brother, even though he is […]
I love taking quizzes, they are so much fun to take no matter what topics they are on. I grew up reading my favorite magazines and taking quizzes to see what kind of career would work best for me, what kind of personality I have, what kind of guy I should date, and so on. […]
A Ready For Marriage Quiz Is Giving Me Great Insight
My boyfriend and I have been together for quite a long time, about four years now. We have been talking about marriage a lot and we both feel the other person is the right one to marry. We aren’t completely ready for marriage yet, but it is something we are thinking about doing in the […]
Relationship Compatibility Isn’t Always What It Seems
I have a really interesting story as far as how things got started with my boyfriend, and luckily for me, things did end up going my way, but not right away. I wanted to date him, but at the time when I first met him, he kept saying that he wasn’t looking for a relationship, […]